Staff training week
Presentation of the University of Pau and the Adour Countries
The University of Pau and the Adour countries welcomes you to join us this coming February 9nd – 13th, 2015. The International Staff Week is designed for administrative staff of universities all around Europe. This is a fantastic occasion to network and share your experiences, opportunities for development and success stories with colleagues from around Europe.
Our International Staff Week is focused on a combination of plenaries sessions combined with discussions and visits of our most beautiful sites (in Pau and the Basque coast).
The programme will give the opportunity of in-depth thematic discussion in the fields of linguistic policies and partnership developments. It will also provide an overview of the UPPA and its different campuses in Pau and the Basque Country, and will give time to good practice sharing.
On Thursday 12th February, participants will be invited to represent their institutions at our Exchange fair. In addition, we will support you to arrange individual meetings with your peers at the UPPA.