
Locating the International Relations Office

The UPPA's International Relations Office is located on the Pau campus in southwestern France:

Voir en plein écran

  • For questions regarding application procedures for non-French nationals, support for international students, doctoral students and researchers, please email the International Welcome Desk (Languages spoken: French, English and Spanish)
  • For questions concerning inter-university cooperation agreements, mobility scholarships, the Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program, etc., please email the direction of international relations
  • Incoming Erasmus+ students may email the incoming Erasmus+ staff and / or the Erasmus+ Coordinator

The front desk of the International Relations Office may be reached by phone during open hours at +33 5 59 40 70 54.

Postal address:

UPPA - Direction des Relations Internationales

avenue de l'université

BP 576

64012 PAU Cedex




The UPPA welcomes nearly two thousand international students per year.

Via its many bilateral Erasmus+ agreements and inter-university collaboration agreements, it facilitates student, professor and researcher mobilities to partner institutions all over the world.

Thanks to its geographical proximity to Spain, the UPPA develops and maintains original collaborations with cross-border universities in both teaching and research.

The International Relations Office

advises UPPA students who wish to travel abroad in the framework of their studies, and welcomes international students who come to our university.

Open hours in Pau

  • Monday & Thursday: 13:30 – 16:30
  • Tuesday & Friday: 09:00 – 12:00
  • Outside of these hours by appointment only

On the Basque coast, the DRI is represented by Caroline Hanin, in Anglet at the Pavillon Montaury and on Mondays in Bayonne at the CRL. Please email her for an appointment

UPPA international relations: key figures