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Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA) to take part in a new EIT-funded project for boosting innovation and entrepreneurship : INNOUNITA

Par Christophe Derail (christophe.derail @

We are happy to announce that Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour will be taking part in a new project called INNOUNITA.


The Innovation Capacity Building in UNITA (INNOUNITA) project represents the opportunity to bring together experiences and know-how, and develop a consistent overall strategy, based on the UNITA University alliance. UNITA is a European University alliance of six comprehensive research universities from five countries, gathering together more than 160,000 students and 15,000 staff members. The alliance’s coverage in the region is wide, with low investment in research and innovation included in the EIT Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS). Portugal, Romania, Spain, and Italy are included, either as a whole country or as specific regions.

Through INNOUNITA, the experiences and approaches developed by the partners to promote and support innovation and entrepreneurship in the staff and student community will be shared in order to set and develop a common ground for promoting entrepreneurial mindsets and strengthening the impact of higher education institutions in the innovation ecosystem. The impact of this project will be particularly important in terms of building a critical mass of new talents in the RIS regions, and filling the gap in scientific, entrepreneurial, and managerial skills, enabling students to undertake complex multidisciplinary tasks. The value added is in the nature of the opportunities that will be created through building one of the most up to date, attractive networks of innovation opportunities. The project is organised in a way that will aim to avoid the ‘one-shot’ moment, instead creating a smart, creative pipeline for young innovators, from high schools to start-ups or research and development activities, making participants aware (and possibly active users) of all the EIT Knowledge and Innovation Communities’ portfolio programmes.


6 partner universities

The project will receive funding from the EIT’s HEI Initiative: Innovation Capacity Building for Higher Education. This new initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) aims to boost the entrepreneurial and innovation capacity of higher education institutions (HEIs).

As part of this project, we will be working together with the following partners:

  • University of Turin – project lead
  • University of Zaragoza
  • University of Beira Interior
  • Savoy Mont Blanc University
  • West University of TimiÈ™oara


Under the EIT’s HEI Initiative, the project will receive funding of €400.000 and will run until December 2021, with the possibility of getting extended for 18 more months.

Stay tuned for more information about this project in the coming months!


About the EIT’S HEI initiative

The EIT’s HEI Initiative is a key objective for the EIT as part of its new strategy, the EIT Strategic Innovation Agenda 2021−2027. The initiative aims to support higher education institutions with expertise and coaching, access to the EIT innovation ecosystem, and funding, enabling them to develop innovation action plans complementing the needs of individual higher education institutions. As part of its Pilot Phase, the initiative has provided funding to 23 projects, with the next call for proposals expected towards the end of 2021.


About the EIT

The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) strengthens Europe’s ability to innovate by powering solutions to pressing global challenges and by nurturing entrepreneurial talent to create sustainable growth and skilled jobs in Europe. The EIT is an EU body and an integral part of Horizon Europe, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. The Institute supports dynamic pan-European partnerships, EIT Knowledge and Innovation Communities, among leading companies, research labs and universities.