BCIBureau de Coopération Interuniversitaire
Within the BCI (Bureau de Coopération Interuniversitaire) exchange programme, students registered at a university from Québec can do part of their studies at the Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour.
Here are the steps to follow if you want to submit an application via this programme
STEP 1. Fill in your BCI application
Link to the Programme d'Echanges Etudiants (Péé)
STEP 2. Check out the academic offers (2016-2017) in order to choose the courses you want to follow.
STEP 3. Dossiers have to be sent by the International Office of your university before 15 March, at the address below
Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour
Service des Relations Internationales
A l'attention de Sonia Turquet (send a mail for more information)
Avenue de l'université - BP 576
64012 Pau cedex
The International Office will inform you of the progress of your application.
Preparing your arrival
Health insurance – Health care
Quebec students: A two-way agreement has been drawn up regarding health insurance. When you arrive, you must show the SE-401-Q-106 form , filled out and signed.
If you don't, you will have to pay an annual subscription to a student Sécurité Sociale (for 2015-2016, the cost was 215€)
You will also have to bring a certificate of civil liability insurance.
At last, we recommend you obtain an health insurance that covers medical expenses – hospitalisation – repatriation.
Upon arrival in France
As soon as you arrive, and whatever your subject area, you must go to the:
- International Office, in Pau,
- Registrar’s office, in Bayonne - Mont-de-Marsan - Tarbes
You will then meet with your tutor at UPPA and complete your administrative and course enrolments.