Double degree
International double degrees: a real asset
The most accomplished form of international exchange consists in obtaining two degrees at the end of a single academic course.
The opportunity of studying towards a double degree in an international context is a real asset for a student’s future career.
Studying for a double degree with UPPA
Students enjoy the same advantages as if they were doing a period of study abroad, and complete their course with 2 degrees of the same level (Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, PhD, etc.)
11 double degree courses are available at UPPA in association with other universities both in Europe (Germany and Spain) and further afield (Brazil, Peru).
| Franco-German Bachelor’s degree with the Universität Duisburg-Essen |
At Bachelor level, a double degree agreement has been signed by UPPA’s LEA department (Applied Foreign Languages department) of the faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences) and the German university of Duisburg-Essen. It allows students who have validated two semesters of study in Essen under this agreement to obtain their licence de LEA (English-German) from UPPA and the double bachelor "Französische Sprache und Kultur/Anglistik".
Teaching languages
- At UPPA: French, German, English.
- At Duisburg-Essen: German, French, English.
Academic director
Franco-German Master with the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen |
At Master level, a double degree agreement has been signed by UPPA’s LEA department (Applied Foreign Languages department) of the faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences) and the German university of Göttingen.
It allows students who have validated one year of study in both institutions under this agreement to obtain their master Arts, Lettres, Langues et Civilisation (Poétiques et Histoire Littéraire) from UPPA and the master of Arts (cursus Romanistik) from Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.
Teaching languages
- At UPPA : french.
- At Göttingen: german, french.
Academic director
French-Spanish Master with the Universidad de Alcalá |
At Master level, a double degree agreement has been signed by UPPA’s LEA department (Applied Foreign Languages department) of the faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences) and the Spanish university of Alcalá.
It allows students who have validated one year of study in both institutions under this agreement to obtain their Master Métiers de la Traduction et de la Documentation from UPPA and the Máster Universitario en Comunicación Intercultural, Interpretación y Traducción en los Servicios Públicos from UAH.
Teaching languages
- At UPPA : french, spanish, english.
- At Alcalá : spanish, french, english.
Academic director
French-Spanish Master with the Universidad de Oviedo |
The agreement signed between UPPA and the University of Oviedo enables students studying for a Master’s in Chemistry to spend one of the two semesters of their final year (M2) in the University of Oviedo (Asturias, Spain) and to obtain a double degree: :Master chimie-Spécialité chimie analyse et traitement pour l'environnement - Master Ciencias Analíticas y Bioanalíticas.
Teaching languages
- At UPPA: French
- In Oviedo: Spanish and English.
Academic director
French-Spanish Master with the Universidad de Oviedo |
The agreement between the University of Pau and the Adour Region (France) and the University of Oviedo enables Master’s students who have completed a year of study in each of the two universities, under the conditions of the agreement, to obtain the double degree of Master Bioprotection et Microbiologie de l'Environnement and Máster Universitario en Biotecnología del Medio Ambiente y la Salud.
Teaching languages
- At UPPA: French
- In Oviedo: Spanish (30%) and English (70%).
Academic director
French-Spanish Master with the Universidad Pública de Navarra (UPNA) |
A double degree between the Master Sciences et génie des matériaux option IMECA/CPPM at UPPA and the Máster Universitario en Ingeniería de Materiales y Fabricaciónfrom the Universidad Pública de Navarra (UPNA), is proposed from the beginning of the 2013-2014 academic year. Students who have validated one of the four semesters of their UPPA Master’s degree course in UPNA will obtain the double Master’s degree at the end of their course.
Academic director
French-Spanish Master with the Universidad Pública de Navarra (UPNA) |
The agreement between the University of Pau and the Adour Region (France) and the Public University of Navarre gives students working towards the Master histoire, archéologie, anthropologie at UPPA or the Máster Universitario en Estudios Avanzados en Historia, Espacio y Patrimonio at UPNA the opportunity to follow “a Franco-Spanish route” that allows them to obtain the double degree at the end of their course.
Conditions: In the second year of the Master’s degree, UPPA students will study part of their course at UPNA, and will take specific modules that are stipulated in the appendices of the agreement. The number of places available on the mobility scheme is limited to 5 students per year group.
A UPPA student will be awarded the double degree once s/he has earned 120 Master’s credits, 30 of them taken at UPNA.
Teaching languages
- At UPPA: French (+ 1 EU of regional or foreign language – English/Spanish/Occitan).
- At UPNA: Spanish.
Academic director
French-Spanish Master with the Universidad de Zaragoza |
A double degree agreement exists for the Master géographie, aménagement, sociologie, Spécialité Loisir, tourisme, développement territorial at UPPA and the Máster Universitario en Dirección y planificación del turismo at UNIZAR.
Admission to the French-Spanish Master’s 2 course in Tourism (French part) targets in priority students who have already completed Master’s year 1 in LTDT (Leisure, Tourism and Land use Development) at UPPA. The number of places available on the mobility scheme is limited to 5 students per year group.
During the second year of the Master’s course, the student can attend either third-semester lectures in Pau (Master’s in LTDT) and fourth-semester lectures of the Master’s in “Tourism Management and Planning” at the University of Saragossa (Huesca Campus), or study for the entire year (semesters 3 & 4) in Huesca (University of Saragossa).
The double degree will be awarded provided that the student has obtained 120 Master’s ECTS, of which 21 to 60 Master 2 credits validated in the Master’s course in “Dirección y Planificación del turismo”.
Teaching languages
- At UPPA: French (+ 1 EU language – Spanish/English – applied to tourism)
- At UNIZAR: Spanish
Academic director
French-Spanish Master with the Universidad de Zaragoza |
The agreement between the University of Pau and the Adour Region (France) and the University of Saragossa enables Master’s students who have followed part of their course in each of the two universities, under the conditions specified in the agreement, to obtain the double degree of Master géographie, aménagement, sociologie, Spécialité Développement durable, Aménagement, Société, Territoire and the Máster Universitario en Ordenación Territorial y Medioambiental.
Admission to the French-Spanish Master’s 2 course in sustainable regional resources and urban development (French part) targets in priority students who have already completed Master’s year 1 in DAST at UPPA. The number of places available on the mobility scheme is limited to 3 students per year group.
During the second year of the Master’s course, the student can attend either third-semester lectures in Pau (Master’s in DAST) and fourth-semester lectures in Saragossa (Master in Ordenación territorial y Medioambiental), or study for the entire year (semesters 3 & 4) in Saragossa.
The double degree will be awarded provided that the student has obtained 120 Master’s ECTS, of which at least 24 credits must be validated in the Master 2 " Ordenación territorial y Medioambiental ".
Teaching languages
- At UPPA: French (+ 1 EU language – Spanish/English – applied to the technical and scientific vocabulary in the area of geography and urban development).
- At UNIZAR: Spanish.
Lecturer responsible
French-Spanish Master with the Universidad de Zaragoza |
The agreement between the University of Pau and the Adour Region (France) and the University of Saragossa enables students to obtain a double Master’s degree of Master mathématiques et applications (specializations in Mathématiques, modélisation et simulation or Méthodes Stochastiques et Informatiques pour la Décision) and the Master’s in Mathematics from the University of Saragossa (Máster Universitario en Modelización matemática, estadística y computación ou Máster Universitario en Iniciación a la Investigación en Matemáticas) provided that they have completed and passed a semester in each of the two universities.
To access the double degree course, the UPPA student must be enrolled in the Masters in Mathematics and Applications, in one of the specialist subjects MMS or SPDM. A UPPA student can only begin to study at UNIZAR in the second year of the Master’s degree (M2) after passing his/her first year in one of the specialist subjects (MMS or SPDM).
A UPPA student will be awarded the double degree once s/he has acquired 120 Master’s ECTS, at least 12 of them validated in courses taken at UNIZAR.
The number of places available on the mobility scheme is limited to 3 students per year group
Academic director
French-Brazilian Engineer training with the Universidade de Sao Paulo |
The agreement signed by the UPPA, the Higher National School of Industrial Technology Engineering (ENSGTI) - and the Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Escola Politécnica (EP) enables French students to study for three semesters in the USP Escola Politécnica. In the other direction, students from the USP Escola Politécnica pursue their studies for three semesters at the Higher National School for Industrial Technologies Engineering. At the end of their courses, these students are awarded the Engineering degree from both Universities.
Once a French student has completed the Double Degree course, s/he receives an Engineering degree from the USP Escola Politécnica and an Engineering Degree with a Specialization in Génie des Procédés (Process Engineering) from the ENSGTI.
Academic director
French-Brazilian Engineer training with the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal |
The agreement signed by the University of Pau and the Adour Region (UPPA, France), the Higher National School of Industrial Technologies Engineering (ENSGTI) and the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) – Departamento de Engenharia Química (DEQ), enables French students to follow engineering lectures at UFRN for three academic semesters. In the other direction, UFRN students study for three semesters at the Higher National School for Industrial Technologies Engineering. At the end of the course, these students are awarded the Engineering degree from both HE institutions.
Once a French student has completed the Double Degree course, s/he receives an Engineering degree in Chemical Engineering from UFRN and an Engineering Degree with a Specialization in Génie des Procédés (Process Engineering) from the ENSGTI.
Academic director
French-Peruvian Masters with the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marco |
The agreement signed between the IT department of the Faculty of Science and Technology - Pau and the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marco, involving student mobility, enables students to complete and pass the Master technologies de l'internet at UPPA and the Maestria en Ingeniería de Sistemas e Informáticaat UNMSM.
The number of places available on the mobility scheme is limited to 5 students per year group. French students will take 5 core modules of the Maestría en ingeniería de sistemas e informática.
The double degree will be awarded once the student has completed and passed a semester of study at the University of San Marcos, according to the specific content mentioned in the agreement.
Academic director
French-Spanish Bachelor’s degree with the Universidad San Jorge |
The agreement signed between the Département d'Economie-Gestion of the UFR de Droit, Economie et Gestion - Pau and the Escuela de Gobierno y Liderazgo of the Universidad San Jorge, involving student mobility, enables spanish students who have validated four semestres at the USJ, and two semesters at the UPPA under this agreement, to complete and pass the Licence d’Economie-Gestion of UPPA.
It enable french students who have validated their 3rd year in Licence Economie-Gestion at the USJ and the Master C.E.E.M. (1st year) at the UFR DEG of UPPA, to complete and pass the Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas of Universidad San Jorge.
Teaching languages
- At UPPA: French.
- At USJ: Spanish.
Academic director
French-English Masters 2 with the University of Glasgow |
At Master 2 level, a double degree agreement has been signed by UPPA’s LEA department (Applied Foreign Languages department) and the English university of Glasgow.
It allows english students who have validated 60 ECTS in M1 at the UPPA and 60 ECTS (or 90 master credits) in M2 at the University of Glasgow under this agreement, to obtain their Français Langue Étrangère from the UPPA.
It allows french students who have validated 60 ECTS in M1 at the UPPA and 60 ECTS (or 90 master credits) in M2 at the University of Glasgow, to obtain their Postgraduate Certificate in Education from the University of Glasgow.
Teaching languages
- At UPPA: french.
- At the University of Glasgow: french.
Academic director
French-English Masters 2 with the University of Cumbria |
At Master 2 level, a double degree agreement has been signed by UPPA’s LEA department (Applied Foreign Languages department) and the English university of Cumbria.
It allows english students who have validated 60 ECTS in M1 at the UPPA and 60 ECTS (or 90 master credits) in M2 at the University of Cumbria under this agreement, to obtain their Français Langue Étrangère from the UPPA.
It allows french students who have validated 60 ECTS in M1 at the UPPA and 60 ECTS (or 90 master credits) in M2 at the University of Cumbria, to obtain their Postgraduate Certificate in Education from the University of Cumbria.
Teaching languages
- At UPPA: french.
- At the University of Cumbria: french.
Academic director
French-English Masters 2 with the University of Goldsmiths |
At Master 2 level, a double degree agreement has been signed by UPPA’s LEA department (Applied Foreign Languages department) and the English university of Goldsmiths.
It allows english students who have validated their M1 at the University of Goldsmiths and their M2 (they must enrol for M2 during the M1) at the UPPA under this agreement, to obtain their Français Langue Étrangère from the UPPA.
It allows french students who have validated their M1 at the UPPA and their M2 (they must enrol for M2 during the M1) at the University of Goldsmiths, to obtain their Postgraduate Certificate in Education from the University of Goldsmiths.
Teaching languages
- At UPPA: french.
- At the University of Cumbria: french.
Academic director