Intensive French lessons (fee charged)

Intensive French lessons (fee charged)

  • Workload: 200 hrs of lessons
  • Levels available:
    • Beginner, novice (level A1 according to the CEFRL)
    • Intermediate (level A1+ to B1- according to the CEFRL)
    • Advanced (levels B1, B2 according to the CEFRL)
    • Further improvement (level C1 and C2 according to the CEFRL)
  • Objectives adapted to suit each level:
    • Beginner: basic communication in everyday situations
    • Intermediate: express yourself easily in everyday situations
    • Advanced: fine-tune understanding and expression; acquire a certain autonomy in French social and cultural life; gain a command of linguistic and cultural aspects (cinema, literature, art history, discovery of French environment and setting)
    • Further improvement:
      • Level 1: express yourself spontaneously, clearly and in a structured way on complex subjects; understand long, complex documents. Gain a sound knowledge of life in contemporary France.
      • Level 2: achieve a very good level of fluency and be able to follow a course in French with no difficulty.

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