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Securing housing should be one of your top priorities as soon as you are admitted to the UPPA. Proof of housing is generally required as part of your visa request.

IMPORTANT: the UPPA has five campuses! Double-check where your courses will be held in order to find housing nearest to your campus.

Accomodation in student housing

The CLOUS is in charge of allocating rooms in student housing.

Space is limited! It is therefore strongly recommended to apply as soon as possible, in order to have time to seek alternative housing if necessary.

Foreign students who submit an application for accommodation for the first time must apply directly through the Crous of Bordeaux Aquitaine (students going to Tarbes apply through the Crous of Toulouse-Occitanie). Applications are accepted in waves. If the site is closed down, you should wait a few days for it to open so you can renew your application for the following wave.

This application does not, under any circumstances, guarantee that you will be allocated accommodation in a student residence.

University residences are furnished but students must bring their own dishes, kitchen utensils and bed linens.

Please note that there is a special procedure for ERASMUS students

Moving in to student housing (Pau)


7, rue Saint John Perse
64000 Pau France
Tél. : 33 (0)5 59 30 89 12

Private accommodations

There are several ways to find housing in the private sector:

  • The platform of our partner STUDAPART proposes housing offers such as studios, flat sharing, private rooms let out by a homeowner... All the steps of renting are carried out on the platform, from creating the rental file to the reservation of the accommodation. To start, click on "Tenant space" and register with your login and password provided by the university or with your personal email.

    If you don't have a guarantor living in France, Studapart offers a guarantor service to cover you for the duration of your rental.

    If you are a landlord, to rent to students of our institution, place your ad on the platform by clicking on "Owner space".

  • Read Page 6 of our International Student Guide
  • Consult accommodation offers proposed by the CROUS
  • Contact real estate agents
  • Look at advertisements: websites, local press, free newspapers, etc.
  • Consider apartment sharing (cohébergement), which is a great housing solution. Several websites offer this kind of housing.
  • Consider intergenerational housing: contact the Association Presse Purée / Entre deux âges to find out about staying in the home of an elderly person. The association organizes free housing for students who are willing to exchange some of their time in the evenings and be present in case of need at night. This arrangement is subject to written agreements on behalf of the student and the senior who hosts him/her. 


    Association Presse Purée/Entre deux âges – (+33) 05 59 30 90 30 - pressepuree64 @ /

    Centre social La Pépinière – 05 59 06 14 54
    pepiniere-pau @ /

If you are not able to secure long-term housing before your arrival, we advise you to book a hotel for the first weeks of your stay.

Useful information

Security deposit

You will need to provide a security deposit of 1 or 2 months’ rent, depending upon the clauses of your rental contract.


You will also need to provide proof of a solvent guarantor living in the Euro zone. If you do not have a physical guarantor and you are under 31 years of age, you may use a system called Visale. After filling in your information, you provide the Visale certificate to the landlord.

Housing insurance

If you are renting a room or an apartment in the private sector, you will be required to provide proof of housing insurance. Students housed in university residences are not required to take out housing insurance but have the option of taking out supplementary insurance (to cover your personal effects in case of theft, for example).

You should know that housing insurance includes third-party liability insurance, "assurance en responsabilité civile", which is required for enrollment at the university.