Preparing your departure

Preparing your departureEssential documents to bring with you


  1. A valid passport or identity card;
  2. Several photocopies of your passport or copies of both sides of your identity card;
  3. At least 5 passport photos;
  4. Your European Health Insurance Card:
  5. Several copies of both sides of your European Health Insurance Card;
  6. Certificates of repatriation insurance and civil liability insurance;
  7. If you do not have a European Health Insurance Card, bring your original health insurance card and the e-mail and telephone number of your private insurance company to be contacted in an emergency;
  8. Your mobility dossier (Study Programme, attendance certificate);
  9. Certificate of university attendance to show that you are effectively enrolled in your home university for the mobility year;
  10. Your up-to-date health records book and vaccinations card;
  11. A birth certificate (original and translation).